The Princess and the Frog is an old folktale transformed by Disney. In this tale, a young New Orleans native by the name of Tiana has high hopes for the restaurant business. One night at an catering event she runs into a frog. Tiana agrees to kiss the frog to break the spell that turned the prince into the frog to get the money she needs for her restaurant. Instead of the frog turning into a prince, Tiana turned into a frog. Then the adventure begins! In the end the spell was broken and the Prince and Tiana married a lived happily ever after with their new restaurant.
The book are screen shots for the Disney feature itself. It's a movie turned into a book for kids to enjoy over and over again, taking their imagination to a whole other level.
This book teaches children the importance of dreams. Even when the situation is tough and life takes you for a turn you keep pushing. That's what I want my kids to know, what every mother wants. For your child to work hard and peruse their goals in life! This book is a great coaching tool, not just for girls but boys will enjoy it also.
1. Allow the children to view the movie. Let them compare and contrast the two features and tell you what they've learned.
2. Have the kids create their own twist to the story. Let them start from where Tiana kisses the frog and let their imagination run wild for a few pages.
RH Disney (2009) The Princess and the Frog. Racine,WI:A Little Golden Book
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